Get Involved
Here are some ways you can get involved:
Become a member
Make a tax deductable donation
Come to our support meetings and contribute in any way you can.
Offer to assist with projects
Join us in our community work. It is usually great fun and always worthwhile
Introduce new people
Share your experiences with prostate cancer. It often helps others to know they are not alone, just as you are not alone.
Community Activities
Some of the activities we organise include:
Bunnings BBQ at various locations
Penrith Relay for Life. Raising funds for cancer research
Australia Day Gnome Festival each year at Glenbrook
Additional Special Events
Events we participate in include:
Hawkesbury Canoe Classic. For the last 12 years we have assisted with the scrutineering at Windsor. A great fun day, helping a good cause (the Arrow Foundation) and creating awareness of prostate cancer
Dragon Boating at Darling Harbour with the Dragons Abreast ladies. Great fun.
Hawkesbury Models show
NBMPCSG annual golf day
Barry Sheene’s Motor cycle weekend at Eastern Creek
You don’t have to be an expert in any of these activities, just join in and enjoy the day.
Our Sponsors
Below is a list of the companies who very generously sponsored our 2014 Golf Day:
Eastern Creek Karts
Equip Trade
Golf NSW
Hitchens Self Storage Pty Ltd
HomeMaker Centre Penrith
Ian’s Pools
Kwik Kopy
Lions Club of Cambridge Park
Lions Club of Penrith
Lions Club Of Emu Plains
Michael Ball Realty
Mint I/T
Panthers Ex-Players Association
Pegasus Print
Penrith Air Supply
Penrith Mazda Centre
Penrith Rugby League Club
St. Marys Band Club
Wisdom Denture Care
The Barry Sheene Festival of Speed - REPORT
Festival of Speed Info Day at Eastern Creek (Saturday 24th April 2018).
Due to several mix ups, not our fault, we were only allowed two members to attend the day,
Crowds were fairly small this year & we could only man the the stall for 5 hours, it was an ok day, several men chatted re Prostate Cancer Awareness, one young fellow very interested.
One Man said, “Hey, you gave me one of these last year.”
I replied, “Well did you go and get your PSA checked?”
“No” was the reply.
I then told him he will be getting the brochure each year till he gets the check.
We handed out about 80 brochures during the time there.
I’d like to thank the members who offered to come but we couldn’t get passes for, the members who rang to apologise that they couldn’t make it & thank you to Alan Howard who was with me during the day
It is very early days yet, but further down the track, I hope to have news re next year’s event.
John Kemp
Promotions Officer