
Nepean / Blue Mountains Prostate

Cancer Support Group Meeting

MONDAY, 16thSeptember 2024

September is Prostate Cancer Awareness Month

The next Group Meeting of the Nepean / Blue Mountains Prostate Cancer Support group will be held on Monday 16th September, 2024 at the Emu Sports Club,  1 Leonay Parade, Leonay, NSW 2750 commencing at 6.45pm for a 7.00pm start.

The community is invited to join us for a PROSTATE CANCER AWARENESS EVENING

The event is supported by Prostate Cancer Foundation of Australia

The Nepean/Blue Mountains Prostate Cancer Support Group will hold an information evening to raise awareness and provide more information about prostate cancer. Join us to hear from expert health professionals covering all aspects of the disease, from risks and detection through to the treatment options available.

Guest speakers:

General Practitioner (GP)


Radiation Oncologist

Medical Oncologist

Prostate Cancer Specialist Nurse

A light supper will be provided, with time available to ask our guest speakers any questions you have about prostate cancer.

For more information contact: Group Vice President, Graeme Renshaw 1300 13 38 78 or www.prostatesupport.org.au

The meeting is open to all men who may be experiencing prostate problems or just wish to become more aware of this disease. New comers will be made most welcome.

As usual at all of our Group Meetings, partners are not only welcome but are encouraged to attend.


For further information www.prostatesupport.org.au or ‘phone the Group’s President: David Wilkinson

on 1300 13 38 78.

25,487 Australian men were diagnosed with prostate cancer in 2023.

250,000 Australian men are already living with the disease.

70 men are diagnosed daily with prostate cancer

3,500 Australian men will die each year of prostate cancer.

And every man has a one in five chance of being diagnosed with prostate cancer by the time they are 85.

[These statistics are provided by Prostate Cancer Foundation of Australia (PCFA).

Click underlined words to visit their website or the online community. ]

Nepean/Blue Mountains Prostate Cancer Support Group (NBMPCSG) is here to support you.

Whether you have just been diagnosed, contemplating treatment, had treatment or know someone who has,we can walk this journey with you.

YOU ARE NOT ALONE - Phone us today on 1300 13 38 78

Support meetings are held every 3rd Monday of the month at 6:45 pm for a 7pm start at Emu Sports Club (Leonay Golf Club)

This website is made possible through a gratefully accepted financial contribution of the Lions Club of Emu Plains.